Changes: Version 2.0.9 → 2.1.0:
Version 2020-05-28 (tested with OpenSuSE Leap 15.1):
removed bug in MCMC algorithm, results from other optimization packages are now imported correctly
removed bug in creation of job id number
Changes: Version 2.0.8 → 2.0.9:
Version 2020-04-08 (tested with OpenSuSE Leap 15.1):
removed bug in the scipy version of the Simulated Annealing algorithm. Temperture is now redefined correctly after reheating
removed bug in MAGIX, i.e. now it is possible to combine Simulated Annealing and MCMC algorithm
Changes: Version 2.0.7 → 2.0.8:
Version 2020-02-07 (tested with OpenSuSE Leap 15.1):
removed minor bugs
improved error estimation and MCMC algorithm
Changes: Version 2.0.6 → 2.0.7:
Version 2020-01-20 (tested with OpenSuSE Leap 15.1):
porting MAGIX to python 3
removed bug in corner plots used by Error Estimation algorithm using MCMC. Now the computed error is displayed properly even if the error is very small or very large.
introduced tag <SortFortranFlag> (True/False) to the algorithm xml file to deactivate sorting of chi2 log file within the Fortran core routines
add latest version of emcee package (3.0.2), which offers the possibility to use a so-called backend file, to interrupt and to to resume an MCMC run. Therefore the tag "<BackendFileName>" was introduced in the algorithm xml file to define path and name of such a backend file. (In order to use this option the python package h5py has to be available!)
removed bug in MCMC and Error Estimation algorithm using MCMC. Now, the ASCII files describing the evolution of parameter values as function of iteration step are named in the same way as their plot files, i.e. "ErrorEstim_MCMC__parameter-evolution_of_free-parameter_parm_" + "..". Additionally, now the first column of each ASCII file describes the iteration steps, respectively.
the optimized parameter values are now always written in scientific notation to the parameter xml file
updated manual
the additional package was updated, i.e. the scipy function "anneal" is deprecated in the new scipy versions. It is replaced by the "basinhopping" algorithm, i.e. if the user selected "anneal" MAGIX automatically uses "basinhopping". Additionally, some scipy algorithm which require a gradient calculation are deactivated, i.e. the algorithms "fmin_ncg", "fmin_l_bfgs_b", and "fmin_tnc" are not available.
rearranged some routines within the INS and the error estimation algorithm
MAGIX stops now, if no free parameter is defined by the user and if an algorithm different to the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm was selecteted. (This stopping criterion was introduced to avoid strange behaviour of some algorithms.)
Changes: Version 2.0.5 → 2.0.6:
Version 2017-10-31 (tested with OpenSuSE Leap 42.2):
removed bug in corner plots used by Error Estimation algorithm using MCMC. Now the computed error is displayed properly even if the error is very small or very large.
removed bug in Error Estimation algorithm using INS. Now, histograms are plotted correctly.
removed bug in Error Estimation algorithm using Fisher matrix. Now, the covariance matrix is calculated correctly.
removed typos in the manual
improved "plotsaveonly" option by using a new matplotlib backend
Changes: Version 2.0.4 → 2.0.5:
Version 2017-09-21 (tested with OpenSuSE Leap 42.2):
removed bug in MCMC and Error Estimation algorithm using MCMC. Now, MAGIX can compute the chi^2 values for more than one parameter vector simultaneaously.
Changes: Version 2.0.3 → 2.0.4:
Version 2016-11-24 (tested with OpenSuSE 13.2):
removed bug in Genetic algorithm: If <UseNewRange> tag is selected, the new ranges contain now always the optimized parameter values corresponding to the best sites. Additionally, a buffer underflow detection is included.
removed bug in the XML import routine. Now, the subroutine guarantees that the tags <error>, <lowlimit> and <uplimit> in the instance xml-file are not empty.
removed bug in the FITS import and export subroutines and script: The cos correction for the R.A. coordinate was not taken into account.
Changes: Version 2.0.2 → 2.0.3:
Version 2016-11-17 (tested with OpenSuSE 13.2):
- removed bug in the handling of <ValueEmptyOutputFile> tag
Changes: Version 2.0.1 → 2.0.2:
Version 2016-09-21 (tested with OpenSuSE 13.2):
- removed errors in the manual.
- now, the Genetic, MCMC, and INS algorithms offer the possibility to define the number of best sites (comparable with e.g. Bees algorithm), see manual for more details
- removed bug in the subroutine which sorts the chi2 log file
- XCLASS uses the pyfits package included in astropy. If astropy is not available, XCLASS tries to import the old stand-alone pyfits package.
Changes: Version 2.0.0 → 2.0.1:
Version 2016-07-15 (tested with OpenSuSE 13.2):
- improved MAGIX routines to import and export FITS files.
- removed bug in Genetic algorithm. New parameter ranges are now calculated correctly.
- removed bug in Bees, Genetic, Levenberg-Marquardt, PSO, Nested-Sampling and Simulated-Annealing algorithm. Now, parameter values will never be printed as *****.